Minor in Women's Health Issues

Program Overview

The 21-unit Minor in Women's Health Issues is a natural complement to a variety of majors such as nursing, health education, counseling, psychology, urban studies or other human service careers. The program offers three areas of focus:

  1. Theory about women’s social roles and status implications for women’s health
  2. Organizing and managing health services, health education, and health delivery systems
  3. Politics, policy analysis, and strategies for changing women’s health policies

Students take a core course in each of these areas, then choose three electives which may be concentrated within one area or drawn from several areas, and then complete a culminating research project or internship. The choice of electives and final research project or internship is chosen in consultation with an advisor in order to meet the needs and interests of the individual student. Electives from related fields will be considered on advisement as related to students’ needs and interests. Advisor approval is required for courses not listed below.

Degree Requirements

See degree requirements for the Minor in Women’s Health Issues in the Academic Bulletin.