* Minors are only available to students pursuing an undergraduate degree at San Francisco State University. Students majoring in Health Education cannot also minor in Health Education.
In order to declare one of the below minors, please fill out and submit a Change/Declaration of Undergraduate Minor form and bring to the Department Office in HSS 326. Allow up to two weeks for the minor to be added to your academic records.
Minor in Health Education
The Department of Health Education offers an 18-unit Minor in Health Education program. The minor complements many major programs provided by other university departments and has been designed for maximum flexibility. Individuals must work with a health education adviser to select appropriate courses.
Courses are 3 units unless otherwise indicated.
Core Required Courses (6 units)
- H ED 221 Health & Social Justice; and
- H ED 210 Personal & Social Determinants of Health
Electives (12 units, at least 6 units must be upper-division)
Electives from Holistic Health or related fields will be considered on advisement as related to student's needs and interests.
H ED 200 Global Health | H ED 241 Health & Social Movements |
H ED 280 Empowering Poor Families | H ED 290 Promoting Positive Health |
H ED 303 Health Disparities & Sexual & Gender Minority Communities | H ED 305 Critical History of Public Health in the US |
H ED 315 Drugs in Society | H ED 320 Contemporary Sexuality |
H ED 410 Organization & Functions of Health Services | H ED 414 Women's Health |
H ED 415 Health Aspects of Aging | H ED 417 AIDS: Contemporary Health Crisis |
H ED 420 Epidemiology | H ED 434 Geographies of Health & Health Care |
H ED 450 Policy Issues in Health Education | H ED 455 Community Organizing |
H ED 527/528 (6 units) Documentary for Health & Social Justice | H ED 630 Elementary School Health |
H ED 635 (1 unit) Secondary School Health | H ED 640 Structural Inequities & Public Health |
H ED 650 Training & Education Processes in Public Health | H ED 670 Principles of Peer Health Education |
H ED 671 Practive of Peer Health Education | H ED 685 (1-4 units) Projects in Teaching of Health Education |
H ED 699 (1-3 units) Indepenent Study |
Minor in Women's Health Issues
The Department of Health Education offers a 21-unit Minor in Women's Health Issues. The minor offers three areas of focus: (1) theory about women's social roles and status implications for women's health; (2) organizing and managing health services, health education, and health delivery systems; (3) politics, policy analysis, and strategies for changing women's health policies. Students take a core course in each of these areas, then choose three electives which may be concentrated within one area or drawn from several areas, and then complete a culminating research project or internship. The choice of electives and final research project or internship is chosen in consultation with an adviser in order to meet the needs and interests of the individual student. A minor in women's health is a natural complement to a variety of majors such as nursing, health education, counseling, psychology, urban studies, or other human service careers.
Courses are 3 units unelss otherwise indicated.
Core Required Courses (9 units)
- WGS 200 Intro to Women Gender Studies; and
- H ED 414 Women's Helath; and
- USP/LABR 570 Urban Health Policy*
* May be substituted with another elective listed for the minor in consulation with a Health Education advisor; approval of advisor is required.
Electives (9-12 units selected form one or more of the following areas)
Social Determinants | AFRS 370; CFS 453; SOC 469 (4 units); SOC 476 (4 units); WGS 300; WGS 578; WGS 593 |
Health Services & Health Education | H ED 410; H ED 450; H ED 431; H ED 420; SOC 476 (4 units) |
Poliltics & Policy | H ED 450; PLSI/USP 480 (4 units); USP/SW 456; LTNS 210; USP 565 (4 units); WGS 570; WGS 611 |
Final Integral Project/Internship (3-6 units selcted from one of the following course)
- H ED 480 (9 units); or
- H ED 699 (1-3 units); or
- WGS 698 (1-3 units)
Minor in Holistic Health Studies
The Institute for Holistic Health Studies, within the Department of Health Education, offers a Holistic Health Studies Minor. The minor is taken in conjunction with one’s bachelor's degree and appears on the diploma along with the major. A minor in Holistic Health Studies is an excellent complement to many SFSU majors. It provides unique learning opportunities, a chance to explore or expand career options, and a way to improve personal health and well-being. Course content is interdisciplinary, examines human experience and health from an interdependent or holistic perspective, and focuses on practical, experiential learning in diverse areas such as stress management, autogenic training, East Asian medicine, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, guided imagery and more. Additional benefits to minors include priority wait listing for Holistic Health Studies courses, individual advising with faculty, and collaboration with others interested in complementary and alternative health practices. The minor involves taking 18 units of Holistic Health Studies courses – 9 units of core courses (Eastern, Western, and Global Perspectives), and 9 units of elective courses – and also 4 units of anatomy or physiology, for a total of 22 units (see bulletin for more information).
Certificate in Holistic Health
The Certificate program is available to anyone admitted through Extended Learning/Open University. It is also available to matriculated students who have completed the Minor in Holistic Health Studies. The curriculum for the Certificate includes an additional 8 units beyond the minor. The Holistic Health Studies Certificate is ideally suited for individuals who already have an academic degree, who are already in a health profession, or who may be exploring career options. Also, since holistic health encourages self-care and self-regulation, the Certificate program can be an excellent choice for stress reduction, personal growth, and health promotion. Classes can also be taken individually without enrolling in the Certificate program, an excellent way to explore specific interests. (See the College of Extended Learning for more information.)
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