MPH Culminating Experience Presentations

Thursday, May 25, 2023
Event Time 04:00 p.m. - 07:00 p.m. PT
Location GYM 118
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The graduating cohort of MPH students will be presenting their Culminating Experience (CE) presentations. You are invited to join us in community for this critical, insightful, and joyful celebration of their scholarship alongside their family and friends. 

2023 San Francisco State University MPH Program
Culminating Experience (CE) Presentations

Maia Feinman-Welcher
Engaging with cultural humility: Investigating disparities inutilization among low-income participants of farmers’ market incentive programs

Angelina Gutierrez
An Intersectional Feminist Approach to the Gendered Health Disparities Among Latina Farmworkers in the U.S.

Daisy Hernandez
The Barriers Preventing Second-Generation Immigrant Children and Youth from Utilizing Mental Health Services

Kohinoor Joshi
Addressing Racial Inequalities in Early Psychosis Treatment in United States: The Role of Coordinated Specialty Care

Angellynn Tam
Changing the Narrative: How teen dating violence programs can foster a culture of respect

Alondra Varela
Vidas Sagradas: California community-based organizational strategies to reduce gun violence by interrupting violence

Cynthia Rohrer
Feminist Movements for Self-Managed Medication Abortion in Latin America—Insights for Abortion as a Human Right in the USA

Bonnie Dundee
Group Medical Visits as Fertile Ground for Addressing the Sociopolitical Determinants of Health within Healthcare

Georjean Morado
Homeless Pet Owners Matter: How to Create Policy Change with Harm Reduction Approaches in Homeless Shelters and Veterinary Care

Soraida Acosta
Approaching Intersectionality in Sex Education: Incorporating Lessons Learned from Current LGBTQ+ Inclusivity Practices to Better Include BIPOC Queer Youth

Robyn Cross
Quit Playing with Our Food: How policy creates a lasting impact on healthy food access in underserved communities in the U.S.

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