HED students learn about health policy at CSU-wide conference

This past April, 175 students from 16 CSU campuses experienced health policy firsthand at the CSU Health Policy Conference in Sacramento. Students met with legislators, learned about policy and learned about public health careers, all while networking and discussing current topics of health, equity and leadership. SF State students attending were Augustin Angel, Catherine Le, Catherine Lee, Katie Ton and Aira Villareal. Assistant Professor of Health Education David Rebanal was part of the CSU-wide faculty team and attended the conference with the students.
One of the students commented, “After this conference I was able to take away that no matter where we come from or who we are, in order to see change we have to be part of that change or do something about it to be that change. We are the future of making a difference with any community, you just have to go get it!”
Pictured: David Rebanal and students join Assemblyman Rob Bonta (second from left), the first Filipino-American to be elected to the California Legislature and a champion of progressive public health policies.
Feature From: SF State's CHSS Connection Newsletter, July/August 2019