Turalba engages community to reduce health inequities among Filipinx residents of SF neighborhoods

Monday, November 25, 2019

"With support from the San Francisco Public Health Foundation, a new partnership between the South of Market Community Action Network and Health Education Department Lecturer, Ruby N. Turalba (MPH '06), aims to support the empowerment of and build capacity among Filipinx residents of San Francisco.

Our Health/Kalusugan, Our Community/Bayan is a three-year project designed to engage community members so they may have the agency to lead healthier lifestyles and advocate for healthier neighborhoods. Free health education workshops and physical activity classes that are culturally and linguistically relevant will be offered to Filipinx residents in the SOMA, Tenderloin and Excelsior neighborhoods. In addition, community members will be trained in public health frameworks, community-based participatory action research and policy advocacy. The long term goal is to address socioeconomic, neighborhood and environmental factors that contribute to health inequities affecting Filipinx — chronic diseases such as hypertension/cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and overweight/obesity."

Feature From: SF State's CHSS Connection Newsletter, November/December 2019