Eliason and Turalba authors "Recognizing Oppression: College students’ perceptions of identity and its impact on class participation"

Monday, April 15, 2019

"Associate Dean for Faculty Development Mickey Eliason and Lecturer in Health Education Ruby Turalba (MPH '06) authored “Recognizing Oppression: College students’ perceptions of identity and its impact on class participation,” which was accepted for publication in the Spring 2019 edition of the Review of Higher Education. The pilot study surveyed 94 undergraduates about their experiences and attitudes regarding class participation, finding three major themes drawn from the ecological model: individual factors, classroom environment and recognition of structural oppression. The findings have implications for pedagogy connecting social determinants to students’ personal experiences in college, and for compassionate strategies for students who currently fear misunderstanding, judgement and ridicule because of their identities."

Feature From: SF State's CHSS Connection Newsletter, April 2019